Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A few words on carrying triplets

Ok, so we are at 21 weeks and every one is doing very well.  You-know-who has been working furiously on the room.  I think its going very well, too.  Although for me 'well' is relative.  Two flights of stairs ok, three flights and I am winded.  It makes me feel really....lazy, fat, and out of shape.  But I am apparently a stellar incubator, thus far anyway.  Yesterday we learned that the fundus of my uterus is about 2 inches under my ribs and sternum.  Minimal room for the diaphragm to breathe.  Oh, that explains it...  I have also lost my lap, well most of it anyway.  My cat now prefers you-know-who's lap, sigh.  I have been feeling the babies moving this past week.  Particularly in the top and center of my abdomen.  That must be baby C.  People say it feels like a flutter or gas bubble.  I recently had a mild, non-painful muscle spasm/twitch in my leg and it is exactly what the babies feel like at this time.  You know, the kind of spasm you feel but can barely see, that's what it feels like.  Last week I had a day where my feet got twice as thick as normal.  I think it was due to sitting and studying all day.  The chair I was sitting in barely cuts into the back of my thighs.  So you-know-who brought home a foot wedge and an over the bed table like they have in the hospitals, without prompting, on her lunch break.  Major brownie points were had.  After a few hours the feet went back to normal.  They were not physically uncomfortable but visually very disturbing.  I am kind of vain about my feet.  I have returned to afternoon nappiness.  Needing a few winks anywhere between noon and 4 pm.  My doctor said he thought that was related to the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.  But after a diet review said that there weren't any red flags that he could see and my urinalysis was negative for glucose.  My incessant hunger and need to eat has finally curbed somewhat.  I can at least go hungry for a half an hour before I become a raving lunatic.  But I have developed evening heartburn.  Strikes between 3 and 5 pm. I don't feel it when I am napping.  It is clock-work like I had with the evening morning sickness.  Just taking a few calcium chews for that.  Seems to be fine, although the doctor did say he could give me proton pump inhibitors.  But who wants to take more pills when minty calcium chew tablets do just fine?